How much does it Cost to Make a Booking?

When making a booking there are a few different costs to be aware of. We have created a breakdown to help you navigate your first booking.

Per Member / Per Day Charge

  • This cost is charged to each person who attends the booking 16 years and over, and is fee set by the landowner.
  • This cost varies depended on the listing, and activities available to select from.

What if I select multiple activities, which activity cost am I charged?

  • When selecting multiple activity options when booking, the highest cost activity will be charge, with the cheaper activities being shown as Free Membership profile, and included in that higher cost.


  • Listings may offer accommodation options, these are not compulsory for you to book.
  • Each accommodation option will display the per night charge, and total people it will sleep.


$160 a night for a farm cottage that sleeps 6 people.

Activity Specific Charges

Some properties may have additional charges associated to specific activity options and/or overall visit. You can find this information within the listing page.


Hunting – These charges can vary depending on the listing owner, and can include:

  • Additional meat animals (After the one per day minimum).
  • $ p/kg for Pigs.
  • Trophy animals (Stags/Goats)

Guided Activities

  • Listings may offer guide options. The cost of a guide per day will vary from property to property, as will the ratio of users to guide.
  • The landowner set’s if the guide is compulsory when booking.
  • Each guide option with display the per night charge, and total people it will sleep.


Total cost $150 per day for 1 Guide with a maximum of 6 users.